We Build West Michigan

Content managed and curated by the Home Builders Association of Greater Grand Rapids.

We Promote Your Company 365 Days/Yr
31,436 unique
publish social
content with one
increased exposure
during the parade
of homes
# ad

Be on the Front Page in Minutes

Choose Option to get started

Early Adopter Pre-Parade Discount

Leverage the tidal wave of web traffic for the Parade of Homes at 20% discount. Must buy before May 15th !!

Builders / Remodeler

$1600 for 1 Year

This is for HBA Greater Grand Rapid members who are Builders or Remodelers.


$800 for 1 Year

This is for HBA Greater Grand Rapid members who are Builders or Remodelers.

Post Homes, Projects, Empty Lots & DevelopmentsUnlimited
Company Search Terms8
Post in the News Feed (also fed into FB & Instagram)Unlimited
Listed on Parade Homes (Spring & Fall) that your company worked onUnlimited
Leads sent directly to your inbox 
Full Company Profile with homes & other content 
Post Articles to Tips & TrendsUnlimited


$0 for 1 Year

This is for All HBA Greater Grand Rapid members.

Company Search Terms 1
Post in the News Feed Social Media style posts 1/month
Post Articles to Tips & Trends 1
Basic Company Profile

Set your search terms

Our search is clever, not only do we show all
posts and projects related to the search term, but we
bring your company logo and link to the top when a
hot search is hit. Its Fast and Easy to set you search
terms and upload your logo.

Post Homes, Projects & More

Posting Homes, Remodels, Lighting Projects, Landscaping… any type of work you do for home owners. Its easy to post to both your profile and to the primary search to inspire and generate new customers.

Get listed in @Mentions

Homes are posted in both Spring and Fall Parades, and all year long, if you had a part in those homes, you can get listed in the with your role on the project and a link to your company. This is also a great way to build back links to your site for Search Engine Optimization.

Robust Company Profile

A beautiful way to showcase your company, its business philosophy, best photography, homes, and projects, complete with a direct contact form to collect leads.